Genealogy Workshop
Thank you for registering!
We will see you there on the 22nd.
Saturday, June 22 – 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 pm
Beginning Genealogy Workshop – Part II
Kentucky Center for African American Heritage
1701 W. Muhammad Ali Blvd. Louisville, KY
Tony Burroughs
Tony Burroughs is an internationally known genealogist. He has appeared on Oprah\’s Roots on PBS with Henry Louis Gates, with Smokey Robinson on Who Do You Think You Are? And on the Discovery Channel staring in the Real Family of Jesus.
Tony is the best selling author of Black Roots A Beginners Guide to Tracing the African American Family Tree published by Simon & Schuster.
Tony has traced his family back eight generations. He has received many honors including: the Distinguished Service Award from the National Genealogical Society, the Rabbi Malcolm H. Stearn Humanitarian Award from the Federation of Genealogical Societies, the Lowell Volkel Medal from the Illinois Genealogical Society and Fellow of the Utah Genealogical Association.
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