Welcome to the
Virtual Kentucky Griot
Virtual Kentucky Griot
Welcome to the Virtual Kentucky Griot, our way of introducing anyone and everyone online continent about the heritage and cultural contributions of African Americans in Kentucky and in the African Diaspora. What is a “Griot”? The Kentucky Center for African American Heritage’s logo is a Griot or storyteller.
The term is probably derived from the French “guirot”; however, its full meaning is of West African origin, as noted in the Collins English Dictionary: GRIOT- A member of a West African caste responsible for maintaining an oral record of tribal history in the form of music, poetry, and storytelling.
The Virtual Kentucky Griot provides an online visitor experience to take self-guided tours of select content and exhibitions about the African American experience from your desktop or mobile device. Visitors can also access select suggested learning activities and educational resources to enhance the visitor experience. Please let us know what you think of the tour and how the experience can be improved. Send your feedback to our contact form.
“A Place for All People” Poster Exhibition
Virtual Poster Exhibit